Family Dentistry |1 min read

TMJ Awareness: What 10 Million Americans Need to Know


This November, we celebrate National TMJ  Awareness Month at Fireweed Family Dentistry. That’s 30 days of raising awareness about the subtle evils that pain approximately 10 million Americans (most of them women) who suffer from TMJ.
What is TMJ Disorder?
TMJ (TemporoMandibular Joint) disorder is a condition with various levels of intensity that affects the muscles and joints that connect the jaw to the skull.
Symptoms may include:
• Jaw pain
• Pain and tiredness of facial muscles (including ears)
• Headaches • Difficulty opening (or closing) your mouth comfortably
• Muscle pains including neck and shoulders
What Causes TMJ?
All symptoms stem from imbalances of the facial and other associated muscles. Stress is commonly the main culprit here (which is no surprise in this modern era), as lactic acid accumulates in overworked muscles, causing them to ache and spasm.
How to Take Action Against TMJ Disorder
First, you should seek to restore the best resting position for the jaw. Dr. Maloney may have you temporarily use a soft non-visible splint or mouth guard coupled with muscle relaxants to dissipate the pain or headache until the specific problem is identified. Then, simple treatment methods and rehabilitation are introduced until the problem is fixed and your aches are gone for good.
If any of the symptoms above resonated with you, consult with us at Fireweed Family Dentistry to discuss the proper route to treating these problems in Anchorage before they get worse! Call us today to book your free consultation at 907-279-6000.